Total amounts seized

According to art. 27 of Law no. 318/2015, the Agency manages and keeps track of sums of money subject to seizure in accordance with art. 2521 para. (2) of Law no. 135/2010, of sums of money resulting from the sale of perishable goods in accordance with art. 2521 para. (3) of Law 135/2010, of sums of money resulting from the interlocutory sales in accordance with art. 2521 of Law no. 135/2010, sums of money owed under any title to the suspect, defendant or civilly responsible party, subject to seizure.

Money resulted from the sale of perishable goods, money resulting from interlocutory sales and money lifted as a result of a seizure will be deposited in the bank unique account of the Agency.

Regarding the amount of money seized in accounts by the prosecutor, the judge from preliminary chamber or the court, under art. 38 para. 5 of Law no. 318/2015, the banks are required to submit to the Agency monthly statement about the sums of money seized and about the interest rates, according to the form established by order of the Minister of Justice.

Starting with January 2017, the Agency shall publish, quarterly, total amounts seized.